Main > FAQs > What can I do to help?

What Can I Do To Help?
I frequently get emails and comments from others asking this very
question. I'm not getting tired of hearing it by any means; on the
contrary, I'm glad to hear from fellow gamers who would like to do
something to advance the hobby. But to save myself a bit of repetition,
I've compiled a list of things that you can do for gaming.
GM Dave assures us they're
playing the Traveller
RPG, despite the mishmash of game components they've compiled for
this photo of their high school game club in Steelville,
Missouri. From left: Cody, Dan (hands only), Dave (GM), Alec, and
Samuel. (Click
photo to enlarge.) |
games. Simple, right? That's what we do already. But
that's not all that I'm suggesting. Play them with people who
never played before. Play them with friends who haven't played
years. Play them at the park on a nice day, making sure to explain
exactly what is going on to whomever asks. Find situations in which
playing a game would help the public opinion of gaming, and then get
out there and play some games!
games. Also simple. You buy lots of games now, don't
you? Well, good. The industry is in a constant state of flux. They need
us. Support your
favorite games, game publishers, authors, and artists. Don't
download pirated PDFs. If your favorite game or
game company has a devoted magazine, subscribe to it. Replace those
worn-out dice, or get a few new figures for that campaign you've been
planning. If you smoke, quit smoking, and spend your cigarette money on
gaming stuff! (all right, maybe that is asking a bit much, but it will
be a lot better for your health!) Look into the indie gaming
scene -
there are many excellent RPGs produced by independent companies that
deserve your attention (see The
Forge for more info).
or start a gaming club. Get together with other gamers,
try new games, play with new people, and recruit new members. Put
together a network of gaming pals from whom you can call upon to help
you with any other project you may find in this list. While you're at
it, give them a copy of this list, and tell them to get busy! If you
have the time, and feel that you would have something to contribute,
join the CAR-PGa.
the Committee does not recruit for the sake of numbers, we can always
use representatives, especially in areas that are currently without
demonstrations. In game shops, at schools and churches
(if you can pull it off). Show people what the gaming hobby is all
about, and most concerns and convictions will fade. Doing educational
demos at a convention is a little like preaching to the choir, but it
never hurts to help promote a game that you're fond of.
something good in the name of gaming. This has become
more and more vital as time wears on. In an article in Comics
Retailer concerning the Colorado school shooting, Mike
Stackpole suggested that the best way to make gaming look more like a
healthy hobby and less like an exclusive club for reclusive weirdos is
to make a difference. Volunteer for a worthy cause, and do it in the
name of your gaming club or local gaming shop. Hold a food drive,
answer the phones at a telethon, sign up your whole gaming group in a
walkathon, and make sure you mention that you are a gaming club when
you do this. Having the public see gaming represented in such a
positive manner can only help the hobby. For more information and
ideas, visit BeQuest.
kids how to play. There's nothing better for the hobby
than passing it on to the next generation. Get your children, younger
siblings, cousins, and nieces and nephews involved (visit The Young Person's
Adventure League for more on roleplaying with kids).
Volunteer to run an
RPG as a young adult program at your local library (for more on that,
visit Terra
Libris), or at a youth club.
letters. Letters to the editor, letters to the school
board, letters to your senator, your governor, your mayor, your
representative, your parents… write! A letter, even in this day, is
treated with more respect and credibility than a telephone call, or
even e-mail (but e-mail doesn't hurt), because it takes more of an
effort to compose one. Tell the editor how you feel about any gaming
pieces you see in the paper. Let the gaming companies know how much you
like their game, or what you would like to see changed.
positive. This suggestion should be taken along with any
of the others. Negativity is your enemy; avoid it at all costs. No
matter how devoted you are to the hobby, it is not your religion. Do
not offend the religious or moral beliefs of others, no matter how much
they have offended you. Turn the other cheek. Learn to take a joke.
Demonstrations are meant to attract people to our hobby and educate
them as to how harmless it is, not scare them away and give them new
things to worry about. LARPers, this counts for you double. You know
who you are.