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OUTLOOK SUNNY, WITH A ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CHANCE OF BRAINSTORMS - If you're looking for charity ideas, read through this list. If you find something you like, steal it! If you think of something that isn't on the list, share it! The list isn't in any sort of order. This is to help promote new ideas as the others bang around into each other.



adopt a highway - hold an auction
hold a canned food drive, or a winter clothing drive, or a blood drive
become a mentor - collect donations for an endangered species -
Meals on Wheels
 donate games (and RPGs!) to teen shelters - work at a soup kitchen - Habitat For Humanity
join a walkathon, or a run-athon, or a jump-rope-athon, or a skate-athon - start a GAME-athon!
SPCA - Boys and Girls Clubs - Child's Play - read books to kids at schools, libraries, or hospitals
Make A Wish Foundation - read books to seniors - take pets to seniors - Toys For Tots
clean up a park, or help build a new one - Big Brothers/Big Sisters - plant a tree
Special Olympics - gather up all of your loose change and donate it - Suubi (Hope)
make sandwiches for homeless people and hand them out - visit the elderly - start an adult sobriety program
start a game club to help people stay sober, like does
sew, knit, crochet, cook, bake, or do what you do best, then donate it to someone or somewhere
play boardgames with paralyzed or wheelchair-bound patients at a physical rehab center
clip lots of "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" coupons, use them, and donate the free items (or all of them!)
Women's Bean Project - volunteer at a teen's or women's shelter - Red Cross - give blood
search for something to volunteer for in your area at VolunteerMatch,
or around the world at or
donate books or magazines - quit smoking (QuitDay) and donate the money you save on cigarettes to the American Lung Association







Got any more bright ideas? Email them to me at !

copyright 2015 wjwalton all rights reserved except where noted

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