> Support
Do you like what you see here, and you'd like to
help out? If so, here are some suggestions on how you can get involved:
The site is still pretty much a one-man show, with
only the occasional contribution by someone other than myself. If you
have an idea for an article or feature, contact me - - and we'll discuss it.
I don't really have a concrete set of submission
guidelines written up, but here's a general idea for you:
- Submissions should concern gaming advocacy in
one form or another - educating the public about role-playing, refuting
negative claims about the hobby, demonstrating and/or teaching games to
others, or any other effort that improves the hobby for all involved.
- Submissions should be family friendly. Please
keep it PG rated, and avoid George Carlin's List of Seven entirely.
- Unfortunately, there are no payment options.
The site generates negative profit as it is. Your only reward will be
any fame you collect from having your name on the byline, and any warm
fuzzy feelings you get from participating.
- I reserve the right to reject any material for
any reason. I may name that reason, or I may not.
And that's about it. If
you're still interested, and you have an idea you'd like to submit,
please do!
I'm always happy to trade links, or post your
buttons & banners. The main page has a box in the left column
for "Linkers", which is where I put sites that link to The Escapist. If
you'd like to be on that list, email me and we'll make it happen - - (If you're already linking to The Escapist
and I don't have your name on that list, contact me ASAP so I can fix
If you'd like to put up an Escapist button or
banner, I have a few you may choose from. If you'd like something in a
different size or color scheme, let me know and I'll whip something up
for you.
buttons - 120x120px
- 125x125px

- 468x60px

- 600x150
If you would like to promote a specific project or
feature of the site, you can use any of these buttons or banners to do
buttons - 120x120px 
animated button - 150x150px |

- 468x60px 
animated banner
- 600x150px |
The last Tell Me About
Your Character button and banner are for gamers who have
participated in that feature's interview series. If you've submitted an
interview to TMAYC,
and you'd like to share it on your website, blog, or social network
page, feel free to take one of these and link it directly to your
Please, if you choose to display one of these
banners on your site, copy the image to your server, rather than
hotlinking it from my site and chewing on my bandwidth. If you MUST
hotlink for whatever reason, contact me so we can discuss it. Thank you.
I also have a full-page color ad that I put
together for a gaming newsletter that you are free to use in print
publications, as a poster or flyer to hand out at events, or however
you like.
A smaller version of it is to the right -
you can see the full-sized ad by clicking it.
If you use this ad for any purpose, all I
ask is that you contact me to let me know where and how it was used,
and what the general response to it was.
If you'd like me to put up a button or banner of
your own in exchange, I would be happy to. At present, I'm accepting
125x125 pixel buttons for the left column of the main page. If you
would like to submit a banner, and/or have your ad placed elsewhere on
the site, contact me and we'll arrange something for you.
If you'd like to put a button or banner on the
site in exchange for a donation, that's also acceptable. Contact me to
discuss it, and for my PayPal address. All funds go to the betterment
of the site - paying for the domain, buying review materials and office
supplies, etc.
There are several Escapist products available
through CafePress. A portion of the sale of these items comes to me,
and I put all of those funds towards the site (domain, expenses, etc.)
& sweatshirts
H.G. Wells / Perfect World shirts - the original Escapist shirt, with a
classic quote from Wells on the front ("Let there be peace on earth,
and war on the tabletop") and a not-so classic quote from yours truly
on the back. styles
and sizes.
- I Came, I
Gamed, I Conquered - styles
and sizes
- Undercover Goth - styles and sizes
- Escapist 10th Anniversary / D&D
Made Me Do It - styles
and sizes
- Analog Gamer - styles and sizes
- Old School - styles and
- Strictly Platonic - styles and sizes
Clock - The iconic Escapist dice arranged on a clock
face. See
the shop.
- Go ahead, ask me about my hobby, I
DARE you! - large
- small
- I Came, I Gamed, I Conquered - large
- small
- H.G. Wells
quote "Let there be peace on earth, and war on the tabletop."
- Undercover
box (great for dice!) - H.G. Wells
quote "Let there be peace on earth, and war on the tabletop."
bibs (start 'em out right!) - H.G. Wells
quote "Let there be peace on earth, and war on the tabletop."
- - The reality of
fantasy games - in oval
or rectangular
- Analog
- Old
- Strictly
More on the
Or, you can buy roleplaying games and
accessories at the Escapist
Amazon Store - or buy your gaming PDFs through this DriveThruRPG Escapist Affiliate link.
The easiest way to support the site is to let
anyone who may be interested know about it. If you know someone who
needs information on RPG advocacy, send them the link. Someone wants to
start their kids into roleplaying? Send them to The
Young Person's Adventure League. Print out copies of the Facts and Fictions
About RPGs PDF to give to parents or others who
have concerns about the hobby, and send a link to Spellcasting 101 to anyone
who has their doubts about whether or not D&D
leads people to the occult. Submit an interview for Tell Me About Your Character, and
get your gaming buddies to do the same. Show the BeQuest
project to your gaming group and suggest getting involved in a charity.
You get the idea. Spread the word!
- wjw