We only spent three days at this year's Origins Game Fair, so I didn't get quite as many pictures as I usually like to.

My oldest daughter Aylish, catching a break after a Morton's List quest. Despite whatever she may tell you, the goggles do nothing. (And yes, that is her real hair.)

My friend Meredith, helping out at the front table of the Kid's Room.

My friend Zoë, proudly displaying the Cthulhu windsock she made for me.

One of the benefits of not staying at one of the hotels attached to the convention center is that, as you park a quarter mile or so away from the center and schlep your way to the convention, you'll spot lots of geek-themed vanity plates. Since I've always been a fan of letting your geek flag fly, I've decided to start snapping a photo every time I spot one. Here are the first three in my collection: 

This was a stained glass 20 sider from Game Paradise. They also do Tiffany-style D20 lamps, but they were out of them when I snapped this pic. And it's a good thing, too, or I probably would have used the last of our gas money to get one.

Zombie shooting targets. Because you never know...

The Free RPG Day folks had a table set up, which was very cool - but by the time I got around to getting a picture, most of the free stuff was gone, and Aldo Ghiozzi had caught an early flight home.

Chessex knows from experience that if you don't cage your dice, they're just gonna run all over and get squashed in traffic or something.

Last day of the con - my friend Alyssa, in her Steampunk gear, takes a break and enjoys some classic X-Men comics. Alyssa was one of the players in my Ghostbusters/Men In Black crossover game on Saturday evening.

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